
Showing posts from February, 2021

Party in the Post-Pandemic Era

Once overcrowded nightclubs and party houses are now hardly seeing any guests. After remaining empty for several months during lockdown due to COVID-19, they were allowed to welcome guests. However, things have not changed much. Considering that clubbing is a close contact activity, where people share drinks, hug, kiss and generally mingle with each other until early hours of the morning, maintaining social distancing seems hard in the space. While such a warm and lively atmosphere can provide a wonderful escapism after an extended lockdown period, the current situation spells troubles for nightlife. Despite extreme efforts to maintain the highest standards of hygiene and cleanliness, people still find it difficult to invade the space. The question is -- how can people safely hit the dance floor while respecting social distancing norms? However, as warned by healthcare experts, people must learn to live with it. Therefore, attempts to open East Bay nightclubs have been made. Live